nola bokun

adio vitre

a vision of a sustainable bus station

spatial design,
urban element

How does the bus station, as a miniature urban space and product, embody the identity of the city while also serving as a crucial point for safety, information dissemination, and public shelter?

What strategies can be implemented to incorporate renewable energy sources?

This project emerged from an interdisciplinary competition organized by the Zadar Architects Association, the City of Zadar, and the Eco-Zadar association, with the topic of "Green City" on the example of a city micro-location - bus station. The bus station, a crucial urban element, serves as a meeting point, safety spot, and information hub, embodying the city's identity. Thus, it is also a prime location for implementing green solutions and IT technology, contributing to the vision of a Green City.

a sketch of the usage scenarios 
Vision of Adio Vitre

The conception of ADIO VITRE arises from a deep-rooted understanding of the challenges plaguing public transportation in Zadar. These challenges primarily revolve around issues of inadequate shelter and protection from the elements at bus stations, resulting in discomfort for passengers during inclement weather conditions. 

Additionally, the existing bus stations lack a cohesive identity, failing to reflect the vibrant spirit of the city. Thus, “Adio Vitre” aims to address these shortcomings by reimagining bus stations as iconic landmarks that provide both functional utility and aesthetic appeal, embodying the essence of Zadar's identity through innovative design solutions.

render of the bus station, daytime
Design of the bus station 

The design of the station consists of vertically arranged modules of wooden pieces, which are stacked consecutively at a subordinated angle and in the shape of the letter S when viewed from a plan perspective. Such design simultaneously enables the shelter to break the force of the wind while preserving openness. In addition to the wooden rods, the bus station also comprises supporting pillars that hold the roof. Depending on the size of the space, the concept consists of three possible station sizes, i.e., the number of wooden modules depending on the area designated for the bus station (see illustration).

possible variations of the bus station

Sustainability and funcionality

In addition to its protective features, “Adio Vitre” embraces sustainability as a core principle. A green roof spans the entirety of the bus station, mitigating the impact of excessive sunlight and contributing to a cooler environment beneath its canopy.

Furthermore, the station integrates solar panels, powering both the information board and the station's lighting system. Through innovative on-demand lighting, energy consumption is optimized, ensuring that the station remains illuminated only when necessary, thus reducing its environmental footprint.

render of the bus station, night-time
Enhanced user experience

The station's information board, equipped with a double-sided display, serves as a comprehensive resource for passengers, offering insights into schedules, tourist attractions, city events, and more. Moreover, “Adio Vitre” prioritizes user convenience, providing  


dedicated spaces for bicycle parking and waste separation containers. The integration of climbing plants on vertical elements, coupled with the station's green roof, fosters a biophilic design that promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels for passengers.

exploded view of the elements

blueprint with the general dimensions

︎ this project won the title of “The best project” of the competitionGradionica 04 - Zadar, the Green City and and it was showcased at the exhibition featuring all the entries

associates: Gita Grah and Romana Dusper