nola bokun


platform for sustainable and efficient exchange of children's clothing and other items

design research
service design
visual design
UX/UI design

How to encourage individuals to participate in sustainable ways of exchanging children's clothing by creating a system that is both encouraging and simple?

How to connect different stakeholders - people who want to donate children's clothes, people who want to buy children's clothes, people who want both of the above, and the mediator who makes sure that the system works?

There are several benefits to buying second-hand children's clothes, including:

- Cost-effectiveness: Second-hand children's clothes are often much cheaper than new clothes, which can be especially helpful for parents on a tight budget

- Sustainability: Buying second-hand clothes is an environmentally sustainable choice as it reduces the amount of clothing waste generated and lowers the demand for new clothing production.

- Quality: Children often grow out of clothes quickly, so second-hand clothing can still be in good condition and have plenty of wear.

- Variety: Second-hand clothing often includes unique and vintage items no longer available in stores, adding a mixture to a  child's wardrobe.

That is why GigLo is created - a platform where parents and future parents can purchase second-hand children's clothes and donate clothes that their children have grown out of.
Why is GigLo special?

The unique selling point of this platform is its departure from the traditional concept of purchasing and paying for second-hand clothing with money. Instead, the platform aims to replace money with a special "GigLo currency" that can be earned by donating items. This approach serves as an incentive for individuals not only to obtain new second-hand clothing but also to donate their own items, thus creating a circular process.

the GigLo coin icon
the GigLo process explained to the users
By utilizing this innovative currency, the platform encourages sustainable consumption by promoting a circular economy where used items are given a second life instead of being thrown away. This approach creates a sense of community and shared responsibility for the environment while also providing a rewarding experience for users who can both obtain new items and earn currency through donations. Ultimately, this platform is not just about obtaining new clothes but also about creating a more sustainable and conscious way of consuming.

The service elaboration

Due to the nature of the project idea which requires intensive relationships among various stakeholders, defining them and their different levels of involvement was necessary as the first step before anything else in the project. The stakeholder groups consist of workers from the fictitious company GigLo, who are engaged in various activities - those who collect and sort donated clothes, those involved in logistics related to the direct distribution of clothing, those who manage the website as a communication channel for all stakeholders, and those who serve as producers connecting all the activities. Other stakeholders include various companies such as sponsors, parents, and their children who use the platform to access these items. 

the stakeholder map
It was important to understand that there are three types of users (parents) - those who only want to receive new items (defined as "the needing users"), those who want to both receive and donate items (”the needing and giving users”), and those who only want to give items (”the giving users”). Their needs and possible activities were outlined in the following personas:
After defining the personas' tendencies, I created a service blueprint that covers all of their actions and the ways in which the web platform handles them, as well as the "behind the scenes" activities of the employees of the "GigLo company."

the service blueprint

The visual identity

The visual identity is playful and colorful, communicating that the project is based on children but also clean, simple, and straightforward, removing the stigma of thinking about second-hand clothes. Also, the platform is designed to give users a highly personalized experience by monitoring their activities and suggesting further steps.
The final design

mentors: Emil Flatz and Luka Perić